This cannot be increased beyond 5000, and if you decrease it so that named variables would be removed, then they would need to be allocated and named again if you need them back. You can click Change Maximum to increase or decrease the number of allocated variables. By default, the first 20 variables are allocated, but are not named. The column to the right lists the variables in the selected group. RPG Maker MV allows up to 5000 variables to be created. Right-click on the project root and then click New to create a new map. So when it comes to event processing, commit this concept to memory: First Placed, First Priority.īefore we can make this event send a player to another map, it needs to know what maps are meant to be adjacent to the current one. Knowing this little tidbit early on may save you a lot of debugging later on. So even if all of the coding for all events is 100% correct, especially for parallel events, not having them run in the right order could cause undesirable issues. If those events were to be processed first, they would not be getting the most updated information and their process could break. The reason being that some of the data it will generate may need to be called by other parallel event at the moment the player enters the map. For this project, it is very important that NavSys is the first parallel event that is placed on a map.